Our Creativity Equals Your Advantage

At Time & Space Media, we take the art of brainstorming and engagement to a new level. From helping define your business purpose and long-term goals to developing flexible strategic plans to help you grow. Our team has the expertise and skills needed to take your company to a new level. Every idea and campaign we bring to life is unique and stands on its own. Nothing we do is recycled.


Having a logo or image that sticks in people's minds is the ultimate goal. Our designers have a deep understanding of design and can shape your ideas and thoughts, providing you with a unique and distinct look. From fonts and typography to color patterns and imagery, we'll work with you to bring your brand forward.

Print &

Whether you are working on a print advertising campaign or a newsletter, you need to ensure it is appealing and distinct from what your competitors are doing. The goal is to make a connection, making sure your target audience notices you and takes action. Let us help you make a good first impression.

Logo design

Your company's brand is a lot more than a logo and a tagline - it is an idea and a culture. Your brand is a means for communicating and connecting with customers, as well as a way to gain recognition. Your brand also gives you credibility. You can count us to adhere to these principles to enhance your brand.

Identity Solutions

We work collaboratively, fleshing out ideas, creating designs, and refining things until we have the right combination. You can count on us to take your ideas and build upon them, explaining why things work and changing what doesn't. It's not about a single line or color but the entire composition.